Learning Centre

What is Debt Consolidation?

Debt consolidation is using one loan or credit card to pay off multiple loans or credit cards so you can simplify your debt repayment. With one balance rather than multiple ones, it ought to be simpler to take care of your obligation and, in some cases, secure a lower...

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What is a Mortgage Pre- Approval?

Many people wonder what means getting pre-approved for a mortgage. A pre-approval is an in-principal commitment from a mortgage provider to lend you a certain size mortgage at a particular rate. When you are pre-approved, you will be able to know the maximum amount...

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Steps to rebuild your credit

There are different ways that you can improve your credit score, which includes: review your credit reports and analyze what can be amended. You can also dispute negative marks and incorrect late-payments in case you have them. Another simple way is to ask your credit...

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Saving up for a mortgage

A good way to start saving up money is to assess where you can cut back. Take the time to analyze your monthly income and expenses, and how you can work with them. Fixed expenses, like rent, are impossible to change, that’s why it is important to determine your...

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What is CMHC and how to avoid it

Purchasing a home is one of the biggest investments you can take on in your life. The mortgage amount will most likely be on of the largest payments you will have to commit to monthly, and it can get even higher with the mortgage default insurance. If your loan is...

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