For individuals who have immigrated or relocated to Canada within the last 5 years



How to buy with 5% down payment and get payments close to costs of monthly rent”

At HOME MORTGAGE ADVICE we show newcomers:

How to buy with 5% down payment

How to buy in Canada with work permit

How to make your monthly mortgage payments close to costs of monthly rent

How to buy with limited credit history

New to Canada™ Program
Qualified homebuyers who have immigrated or relocated to Canada within the last 5 years are eligible under “New to Canada” program to purchase a property with as little as 5% downpayment.

Minimal downpayment requirement exclusive to the New to Canada Program.

Why pay off someone else’s mortgage, when you can pay for yours?

My service fees are covered by the Financial Institution. However, I would never turn down a nice bottle of Scotch.

Four simple requirements:

5% Downpayment from own sources.

Steady employment for a minimum of 3 months.

No late payments or collections on Credit Bureau. Zero credit is fine.

Work permit or permanent residence.